After reading my prior post, long-time reader Mark (link) alerted me to a series of posts he wrote 10 years ago on the anti-SAT movement. This is a topic that bubbles up every few years, and it appears that the current generation of college administrators may go where their predecessors didn't. Some colleges have started to drop the SAT requirement for admissions.
Post 1, Post 2, Post 3, Post 4, Post 5
Let me summarize Mark's various posts and add some color commentary.
In his first post (link), Mark explores the relationship between SAT scores and college GPAs. This exercise in analyzing correlation is meaningful to both sides of the debate. The distractors detractors argue that "there already is something that accurately mirrors the grades a student gets in school. Namely: the grades a student gets in school" while proponents say SAT scores are the best predictors of college success.
For example, when MIT reinstated the SAT requirement after the Covid-19 pandemic (link), the dean of admissions stated:
Our research has shown that, in most cases, we cannot reliably predict students will do well at MIT unless we consider standardized test results [especially the math component] alongside grades, coursework, and other factors.
Mark points out that the right measure of any predictor is incremental insight – what additional nuance it adds to the collection of predictors. This explains why the SAT looks more like a general intelligence test than a high-school exam. Otherwise, the SAT score would be an unnecessary duplicate of high-school GPA. (Why the previous sentence is stated forwards but not backwards is another sign of weak analytics in this space.)
Mark's point is self-evident: assume that high-school GPAs predict college performance just as well as the SAT, as the distractors detractors suggest, then SAT scores should mirror high-school GPAs, and if they did, the two metrics would result in identical rankings of the students; if so, what's the cause for complaint?
The second post (link) examines various reasons SAT critics have given for dumping the test. Mark is unimpressed by the quality of the evidence, and in many cases, its absence.
The weirdest argument is that according to Google's description of its own hiring practices, Google does not consider standardized test scores or college ranking. Mark remarked that "Google doesn't talk much about SATs at least in part because they've largely maxed out the metric."
Let's say we tally up the background data of Google hires; we are likely to find a good number of Ivy League graduates with high SAT scores. Can Google legitimately claim their hiring does not consider test scores or college ranking?
Sure, someone is going to say "Those people weren't hired because they graduated from an Ivy League school, or that they had high SAT scores. They just happen to have those characteristics. Correlation is not causation!"
Well, admitted students to top colleges not only have high SAT scores, but they also have high GPAs, and other great things on their applications so did they get accepted because of the SAT scores, or the high GPAs?
The third post presents a series of math questions from actual SAT exams because Mark realized that many critics of the SAT attacked an imaginary scarecrow version of the SAT test, rather than what the test really is. Seeing these real questions helps ground the debate.
He also touched on one virtue of the SAT test, which is its transparency. Past exams with answers are readily available. By contrast, transparency is definitely missing in high-school GPAs. Nevertheless, in real life, transparency frequently backfires. Where are these SAT critics when it comes to high-school GPAs? Let's compile GPAs and split them by race - I'd be surprised if they didn't find a race gap. The reason that the race gap in GPAs isn't in the news is that schools don't release such data.
The fourth post is a must-read. Here is Andrew's recap of what Mark wrote.
Mark trashed those critics who grumbled about the point deduction for wrong answers in the SAT. Mark explained why the point deduction scheme in fact simplifies life for test-takers, because the penalty makes it counterproductive to do "random guessing" (what Mark describes as "guessing without first reading the question"). Tests that don't deduct points for wrong answers are more annoying because smart test-takers should guess on certain questions based on their level of confidence in knowing the answer.
The unspoken point behind Mark's post is that the SAT is rigorously designed, and continuously improved, by lots of statisticians, and therefore it is the best instrument we have. In Numbers Rule Your World (link), half of Chapter 3 is devoted to the statistical work behind a niche issue in SAT tests, work that reduces specific biases due to race and other characteristics.
The biggest irony in the anti-SAT movement is that on the major complaints about the SAT, alternative instruments such as high school GPAs and reference letters are far worse.
In the last post of this series (link), Mark turned our intuition upside down. He argued that the students most likely to benefit from the SAT admission requirement are those good students who go to public schools – or if we extend this line of reasoning, good students from underprivileged backgrounds. That is to say, the SAT requirement benefits precisely those people whom its distractors detractors say they care the most about, with the caveat that the benefit accrues to the cream of that crop.
Ten years later, the MIT dean of admissions echoed Mark's point when he said that MIT uses the SAT score to identify disadvantaged students who are most likely to succeed at MIT.
unlike some other inequalities — like access to fancy internships or expensive extracurriculars — our empirical research shows the SAT/ACT actually do help us figure out if someone will do well at MIT.
This last discussion leads us to some general topics in the area of statistical measures. No metric is perfect, most metrics are correlated with each other, all metrics promote perverse behavior, alternatives often appear better only because of lack of data or analyses. See Chapter 2 of Numbersense (link) for more on measurement, where I dig into the anti-BMI movement. BMI is the widely accepted metric for assessing obesity; like SAT scores, the metric has attracted a small loud group of distractors detractors.
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