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Mickey Droy

For sure, these technologies bring benefits as well. The hidden cost is unfair distribution of costs.

Surely the hidden Cause is the unfair distribution of Wealth.

Here in UK and Europe there are similar but much milder issues but then wealth distribution is severe but not as severe as US.

A flight London - NY one way could cost anything between $120 and $1500. It is pretty clear which people buy the £1000 tickets and which wait until a $120 ticket becomes available (and these people are of average wealth, not poor).

Why is it surprising that a form of two - tier pricing has evolved on the NY metro? Or at Dollar General?


MD: Initially, it is a split based on wealth as you said. Later, it is a split based on values. As I'm trying to say, the law abiding people end up paying for those who evade payments - and from my subway experience, I can tell you that the fare evaders are not limited to the poor.

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