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Did you read the actual study though? The media reports about it are quite wrong! The study found that people actually screened for colonoscopy had a 50% lower chance of dying from colon cancer.




Cris: As I mentioned, I will post about the study's findings separately. However, I did scan through it before writing this post, and the finding you cited belongs to category (d) of the common reactions when studies don't confirm prior beliefs.

Here is the summary found on the first page of the published paper:

"During a median follow-up of 10 years, 259 cases of colorectal cancer were diagnosed in the invited group as compared with 622 cases in the usual-care group. In intention-to-screen analyses, the risk of colorectal cancer at 10 years was 0.98% in the invited group and 1.20% in the usual-care group, a risk reduction of 18% (risk ratio, 0.82; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.70 to 0.93). The risk of death from colorectal cancer was 0.28% in the invited group and 0.31% in the usual-care group (risk ratio, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.64 to 1.16)"

The particular result you mentioned is the "per protocol" analysis which is not the primary analysis pre-registered in the trial. I will explain in the upcoming post why "per protocol" analysis is not considered the proper analysis (except in Covid-19 emergency-use studies!). As I wrote in this post, the biggest problem with coming up with alternative analyses is that when one method is found to deliver the comfortable/desirable outcome, then there is a tendency to throw away the proper or other analyses with the opposite results, which is exactly what's happening right now.

At best, one can regard this as something to think about but in no way should the "per protocol" analysis replace or overrule the "intention to screen" analysis.


Interesting! Nevertheless, your remarks on "per protocol" may have some merit, yet the study still has never been an RCT of colonoscopy but an RCT of "invitation to colonoscopy". Pre-registering or not does not change this basic fact, doesn't it? You should definitely address this common sense objection in your upcoming discussion of the study.


gg: Yes, I'll be addressing those as well. The post is being drafted as I write this. The key is to understand the process of doing science. Pre-registering means that the community has thought through many of these issues, and agreed to a specific way of running this experiment. What I'm objecting to in this post is changing the rules of the game after seeing the results - in particular, when the same arguments would not have been applied if the results came out differently.

Further, the proponents of what you call the "common sense" argument tout the "adjusted per-protocol" analysis which is also performed on the "invitation to screening" experiment.

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