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A Palaz

Hi Kaiser, if you adjust for population I think the ranks move about a little.

Speaking of population adjustment here is some interesting from a small country in covid rankings. Interesting adjustments and data



I would prefer better age groups.

I think should note that north European countries have very good health data collection programmes in place. Not sure whether used to full here or not.

On this point one reason I like to commentvhere is that if I am a manager I would like quality data collection and analysis to inform my strategy and decisions.

Can we rank countries by this? Or at very least the quality of their health and policy managementif not their management classes?

Last did you cast your critical eye over this?



AP: Thanks for the various ideas. You may see follow-up posts here - although I have a pile-up of new publications I want to review so there may be a long lag.

In terms of population adjustment for the Olympics data, you'll notice that using the number of athletes as a base is a similar concept. The Netherlands is most elevated by the per-capita metric among the countries listed. But I think the improvement from the last Olympics is a more impressive achievement so I selected that one. (Hope my Dutch readers agree!)

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Kaiser Fung. Business analytics and data visualization expert. Author and Speaker.
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