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Michael Droy

Perhaps - or perhaps it just is another reminder that the first wave left us close to herd immunity with much much higher infections than believed particularly amongst young students, a big chunk immune through T-Cells and not showing up in anti-body testing and a substantial part of the population just plain and simply naturally resistant (like a big proportion of school kids so no surprise if a lot of students aren't just the same).

Every analysis that gets through the mainstream press ducks these questions.


MD: The Cornell model reaches theoretical "herd immunity" when 75 percent of the community is infected. With broad-based testing, they know the case rate is close to zero. Even at Cornell, in the first week when their testing program wasn't fully operational, they found about a dozen cases a day. At other campuses, where they don't test this much, students are getting infected. The theory about young students could be true; the onus is on the proponents of such theory to prove their case.

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