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An excellent discussion.
Just a question. Point 6. You hope for the oblivon of immutable data (am I right?). But how is it possible? While I have no difficult in imagining the deletion of past temporal data, it seems to me that immutable data are always needed for nearly all services...


Antonio: Point 6 is about deleting data older than five years. So if someone is no longer a user, the immutable data like social security numbers, addresses, emails, etc. should be deleted along with the temporal data. I am for keeping more aggregated data so that the business can still say that it had X customers living in NYC seven years ago, or that customer with id XYZ visited our website 120 times five years ago. If the user continues to be active beyond five years, I still think most of the data should be deleted... for example, credit cards on file. What if the user has to supply the credit card number once every five years? I don't think it's too big a hassle. And yes, there is a cost to providing more privacy - it creates small problems for analysts and developers. Also see Point #1: the business can contact these users, explain to them the benefits of not deleting the data, and many users might opt for no deletion.


"So if someone is no longer a user, the immutable data ... should be deleted ..."
This clarifies the point. Thank you.

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