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Adam Schwartz

This is great! It helps me put a name to one thing I struggle with my analysts about. They get derailed by the precision and exceptions arguments all the time. In fact it's self-paralytic for some of them. They can't stop looking at the data because every time they see an exception to the bigger pattern they have to recheck everything to make sure they're still ok with their conclusions.

But it's an important balancing act - if they weren't detailed about analysis and didn't question themselves on the exceptions, etc. they probably wouldn't be a good analyst at all (they'd be in marketing, apparently). But recognizing when their proclivities are being taken advantage of by others... that's a skill that they need to develop. Definitely an example I'll share with my team.


Just ridicule peoples arguments as not being possible or even plausible, a technique that has worked for centuries. Tiny little animals causing disease, that can't even be seen, what a stupid idea.

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