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Some years ago I had a data set of medical treatment where some patients moved centres, but because of privacy concerns we didn't get names or even id numbers. So i resorted to dates of births. Then I found that someone hadn't implemented a check for valid date of birth, so some had day and month transposed, others were missing the 19 at the start of the year. I ended up with a lot of merges to test each possibility if the correction wasn't obvious. It was a constant stream of e-mails back to the source of the data asking them what was correct. Eventually we ended with checking for patients that suddenly disappeared and then seeing if a similar patient suddenly appeared at another site.

I think there is now software for medical health data that will determine how close the match is to perfect, and will allow a decision on how close they need to be to be included.


@Ken - those might have been european folks with the day and month transposed. I try to impress on people the need to use a standard date field. YYYYMMDD. It's sortable, easy to remember, and easy to enter.

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