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Ryan Bower

I love this topic and think it applies widely--from products to sports to movies. Oddly enough, I get tripped up on the definition of "under-rated".

Take movies as an example; there are readily available sources of information about popularity (box office receipts) and ratings (user ratings / critical ratings). By the definition given above ("The point is that something that is under-rated has high popularity and low quality."), we would conclude that Titanic is one of the most under-rated movies of all time, given it's overwhelming popularity coupled with poor ratings.

But a movie critic would laugh at you if you said that Titanic was under-rated. It seems that when we use the term "under-rated", we mean the exact opposite; something is under-rated by society (thus, low popularity level), but we (critics / experts) thinks it deserves a higher rating.

Interesting discussion. I'm anxious to see how others would attempt to quantify under-rated-ness...

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