Pretty circular things

National Geographic features this graphic illustrating migration into the U.S. from the 1850s to the present.



What to Like

It's definitely eye-catching, and some readers will be enticed to spend time figuring out how to read this chart.

The inset reveals that the chart is made up of little colored strips that mix together. This produces a pleasing effect of gradual color gradation.

The white rings that separate decades are crucial. Without those rings, the chart becomes one long run-on sentence.

Once the reader invests time in learning how to read the chart, the reader will grasp the big picture. One learns, for example, that migrants from the most recent decades have come primarily from Latin America (orange) or Asia (pink). Migrants from Europe (green) and Canada (blue) came in waves but have been muted in the last few decades.


What's baffling

Initially, the chart is disorienting. It's not obvious whether the compass directions mean anything. We can immediately understand that the further out we go, the larger numbers of migrants. But what about which direction?

The key appears in the legend - which should be moved from bottom right to top left as it's so important. Apparently, continent/country of origin is coded in the directions.

This region-to-color coding seems to be rough-edged by design. The color mixing discussed above provides a nice artistic effect. Here, the reader finds out that mixing is primarily between two neighboring colors, thus two regions placed side by side on the chart. Thus, because Europe (green) and Asia (pink) are on opposite sides of the rings, those two colors do not mix.

Another notable feature of the chart is the lack of any data other than the decade labels. We won't learn how many migrants arrived in any decade, or the extent of migration as it impacts population size.

A couple of other comments on the circular design.

The circles expand in size for sure as time moves from inside out. Thus, this design only works well for "monotonic" data, that is to say, migration always increases as time passes.

The appearance of the chart is only mildly affected by the underlying data. Swapping the regions of origin changes the appearance of this design drastically.






Trump resistance chart: cleaning up order, importance, weight, paneling

Morningconsult_gopresistance_trVox featured the following chart when discussing the rise of resistance to President Trump within the GOP.

The chart is composed of mirrored bar charts. On the left side, with thicker pink bars that draw more attention, the design depicts the share of a particular GOP demographic segment that said they'd likely vote for a Trump challenger, according to a Morning Consult poll.

This is the primary metric of interest, and the entire chart is ordered by descending values from African Americans who are most likely (67%) to turn to a challenger to those who strongly support Trump and are the least likely (17%) to turn to someone else.

The right side shows the importance of each demographic, measured by the share of GOP. The relationship between importance and likelihood to defect from Trump is by and large negative but that fact takes a bit of effort to extract from this mirrored bar chart arrangement.

The subgroups are not complete. For example, the only ethnicity featured is African Americans. Age groups are somewhat more complete with under 18 being the only missing category.

The design makes it easy to pick off the most disaffected demographic segments (and the least, from the bottom) but these are disparate segments, possibly overlapping.


One challenge of this data is differentiating the two series of proportions. In this design, they use visual cues, like the height and width of the bars, colors, stacked vs not, data labels. Visual variety comes to the rescue.

Also note that the designer compensated for the lack of stacking on the left chart by printing data labels.


When reading this chart, I'm well aware that segments like urban residents, income more than $100K, at least college educated are overlapping, and it's hard to interpret the data the way it's been presented.

I wanted to place the different demographics into their natural groups, such as age, income, urbanicity, etc. Such a structure also surfaces demographic patterns, e.g. men are slightly more disaffected than women (not significant), people earning $100K+ are more unhappy than those earning $50K-.

Further, I'd like to make it easier to understand the importance factor - the share of GOP. Because the original form orders the demographics according to the left side, the proportions on the right side are jumbled.

Here is a draft of what I have in mind:


The widths of the line segments show the importance of each demographic segment. The longest line segments are toward the bottom of the chart (< 40% likely to vote for Trump challenger).


McKinsey thinks the data world needs more dataviz talent

Note about last week: While not blogging, I delivered four lectures on three topics over five days: one on the use of data analytics in marketing for a marketing class at Temple; two on the interplay of analytics and data visualization, at Yeshiva and a JMP Webinar; and one on how to live during the Data Revolution at NYU.

This week, I'm back at blogging.

McKinsey publishes a report confirming what most of us already know or experience - the explosion of data jobs that just isn't stopping.

On page 5, it says something that is of interest to readers of this blog: "As data grows more complex, distilling it and bringing it to life through visualization is becoming critical to help make the results of data analyses digestible for decision makers. We estimate that demand for visualization grew roughly 50 percent annually from 2010 to 2015." (my bolding)

The report contains a number of unfortunate graphics. Here's one:


I applied my self-sufficiency test by removing the bottom row of data from the chart. Here is what happened to the second circle, representing the fraction of value realized by the U.S. health care industry.


What does the visual say? This is one of the questions in the Trifecta Checkup. We see three categories of things that should add up to 100 percent. With a little more effort, we find the two colored categories are each 10% while the white area is 80%. 

But that's not what the data say, because there is only one thing being measured: how much of the potential has already been realized. The two colors is an attempt to visualize the uncertainty of the estimated proportion, which in this case is described as 10 to 20 percent underneath the chart.

If we have to describe what the two colored sections represent: the dark green section is the lower bound of the estimate while the medium green section is the range of uncertainty. The edge between the two sections is the actual estimated proportion (assuming the uncertainty bound is symmetric around the estimate)!

A first attempt to fix this might be to use line segments instead of colored arcs. 


The middle diagram emphasizes the mid-point estimate while the right diagram, the range of estimates. Observe how differently these two diagrams appear from the original one shown on the left.

This design only works if the reader perceives the chart as a "racetrack" chart. You have to see the invisible vertical line at the top, which is the starting line, and measure how far around the track has the symbol gone. I have previously discussed why I don't like racetracks (for example, here and here).


Here is a sketch of another design:


The center figure will have to be moved and changed to a different shape. This design conveys the sense of a goal (at 100%) and how far one is along the path. The uncertainty is represented by wave-like elements that make the exact location of the pointer arrow appear as wavering.





Plotted performance guaranteed not to predict future performance

On my flight back from Lyon, I picked up a French magazine, and found the following chart:

French interest rates chart small

A quick visit to Bing Translate tells me that this chart illustrates the rates of return of different types of investments. The headline supposedly says "Only the risk pays". In many investment brochures, after presenting some glaringly optimistic projections of future returns, the vendor legally protects itself by proclaiming "Past performance does not guarantee future performance."



Two unusual decisions set this chart apart:

1. The tree ring imagery, which codes the data in the widths of concentric rings around a common core

2. The placement of larger numbers toward the middle, and smaller numbers in the periphery.

When a reader takes in the visual design of this chart, what is s/he drawn to?

The designer evidently hopes the reader will focus on comparing the widths of the rings (A), while ignoring the areas or the circumferences. I think it is more likely that the reader will see one of the following:

(B) the relative areas of the tree rings

(C) the areas of the full circles bounded by the circumferences

(D) the lengths of the outer rings

(E) the lengths of the inner rings

(F) the lengths of the "middle" rings (defined as the average of the outer and inner rings)

Here is a visualization of six ways to "see" what is on the French rates of return chart:


Recall the Trifecta Checkup (link). This is an example where "What does the visual say" and "What does the data say" may be at variance. In case (A), if the reader is seeing the ring widths, then those two aspects are in sync. In every other case, the two aspects are disconcordant. 

The level of distortion is visualized in the following chart:


Here, I normalized everything to the size of the SCPI data. The true data is presented by the ring width column, represented by the vertical stripes on the left. If the comparisons are not distorted, the other symbols should stay close to the vertical stripes. One notices there is always distortion in cases (B)-(F). This is primarily due to the placement of the large numbers near the center and the small numbers near the edge. In other words, the radius is inversely proportional to the data!

 The amount of distortion for most cases ranges from 2 to 6 times. 

While the "ring area" (B) version is least distorted on average, it is perhaps the worst of the six representations. The level of distortion is not a regular function of the size of the data. The "sicav monetaries" (smallest data) is the least distorted while the data of medium value are the most distorted.


To improve this chart, take a hint from the headline. Someone recognizes that there is a tradeoff between risk and return. The data series shown, which is an annualized return, only paints the return part of the relationship. 




Foodies say, add dataviz spice please

This Buzzfeed article proves that foodies love their food served with dataviz (tip: Chris P.). Menus are an undertapped resource when it comes to data visualization.

There are several examples worth discussing.


Venn diagrams are not easy to read, people.

Plus they are hard to construct well... note the asymmetric areas.

Here is one without circles:


Then, I pared it down to its essence:



This beer map is pretty great:


Some of its virtues:

  • The spacious layout utilizing two dimensions, instead of a one-dimensional list of dense text
  • Ordering using two dimensions relevant to the decision problem (assuming those two dimensions are the most important for their clients)
  • Unconventional, attention-grabbing
  • More equitable: different readers will read the chart in different orders. I'll hypothesize that they will end up with a more even distribution of drink orders than with a list in which everyone reads top to bottom

Potential problems:

  • Not enough space to explain the drinks. Don't the clients want to know what's in them?
  • I wonder how they measured the degree of "classic"-ness.


This next menu contains an error:


When the drink comes in one size, only one price is listed. If it comes in two sizes, two prices should be listed.

Is the cafe owner shading Americans as not good at math?

Fifty-nine intersections supporting forty dots of data

My friend Ray V. asked how this chart can be improved:


Let's try to read this chart. The Economist is always the best at writing headlines, and this one is simple and to the point: the rich get richer. This is about inequality but not just inequality - the growth in inequality over time.

Each country has four dots, divided into two pairs. From the legend, we learn that the line represents the gap between the rich and the poor. But what is rich and what is poor? Looking at the sub-header, we learn that the population is divided by domicile, and the per-capita GDP of the poorest and richest regions are drawn. This is a indirect metric, and may or may not be good, depending on how many regions a country is divided into, the dispersion of incomes within each region, the distribution of population between regions, and so on.

Now, looking at the axis labels, it's pretty clear that the data depicted are not in dollars (or currency), despite the reference to GDP in the sub-header. The numbers represent indices, relative to the national average GDP per head. For many of the countries, the poorest region produces about half of the per-capita GDP as the richest region.

Back to the orginal question. A growing inequality would be represented by a longer line below a shorter line within each country. That is true in some of these countries. The exceptions are Sweden, Japan, South Korea.

It doesn't jump out that the key task requires comparing the lengths of the two lines. Another issue is the outdated convention of breaking up a line (Britian) when the line is of extreme length - particularly unwise given that the length of the line encodes the key metric in the chart.

Further, it has low data-ink ratio a la Tufte. The gridlines, reference lines, and data lines weave together in a complex pattern creating 59 intersections in a chart that contains only 40  36 numbers.


 I decided to compute a simpler metric - the ratio of rich to poor.  For example, in the UK, the richest area produces about 20 times as much GDP per capita as the poorest one in 2015.  That is easier to understand than an index to the average region.

I had fun making the following chart, although many standard forms like the Bumps chart (i.e. slopegraph) or paired columns and so on also work.


This chart is influenced by Ed Tufte, who spent a good number of pages in his first book advocating stripping even the standard column chart to its bare essence. The chart also acknowledges the power of design to draw attention.



PS. Sorry I counted incorrectly. The chart has 36 dots not 40. 

A long view of hurricanes

This chart by Axios is well made. The full version is here.


It's easy to identify all the Cat 5 hurricanes. Only important ones are labeled. The other labels are hidden behind the hover. The chart provides a good answer to the question: what time of the year does the worst hurricanes strike. It's harder to compare the maximum speeds of the hurricanes.

I wish there is a way to incorporate geography. I'd be willing to trade off the trajectory of wind speeds as the max speed is of most use.

The less-is-more story, and its meta

The Schwab magazine has an interesting discussion of a marketing research study purportedly showing "less is more" when it comes to consumer choice. They summarized the experimental setup and results in the following succinct graphic:

Schwab jam displays - Jun 4 2017 - 3-45 PM - p3

The data consist of nested proportions. For example, among those seeing display 1, 60% stopped to look at the jams, and among those who stopped, 3% purchased.

The nesting is presented as overlap in this design. The blue figures on pink are those shoppers who stopped as well as purchased. The blue figures with no background are those who stopped but did not purchase. The blue figures disregarding background color include everyone who stopped. What about the gray? Those are the shoppers who did not stop at the jam display, which is not a key number. To understand what proportion of shoppers stopped, the reader must take in the entire set of figures, in effect giving the blue and blue/pink figures a change of clothes.


In this version, we make it easier to estimate the proportions:


Each branch starts with 100 figures. The nesting structure is clearly depicted.


It turns out that the original design messed up the numbers. They were trying to be precise. The right side (Display 2) had 29 figures on each row, summing to 260, exactly the number of subjects in that treatment cell. The left side had 28 figures per row (one fewer!), summing to 233. However, according to the research paper being cited, they analyzed 242 subjects who saw Display 1. Nine shoppers went missing.

The extra precision, even if correctly rendered, interferes with our comprehension of proportions. Less is more, indeed!


P.S. If you know someone interested in upgrading their skills to join the expanding business analytics workforce, send them to my new venture, Principal Analytics Prep, a next-gen bootcamp that helps people transition careers. Contact me for more information.

Some like it packed, some like it piled, and some like it wrapped

In addition to Xan's "packed bars" (which I discussed here), there are some related efforts to improve upon the treemap. To recap, treemap is a design to show parts against the whole, and it works by packing rectangles into the bounding box. Frequently, this leads to odd-shaped rectangles, e.g. really thin and really tall ones, and it asks readers to estimate relative areas of differently-scaled boxes. We often make mistakes in this task.

The packed bar chart approaches this challenge by allowing only the width of the box to vary with the data. The height of every box is identical, so readers only have to compare lengths.

Via Twitter, Adil pointed me to this article by him and his collaborators that describes a few alternatives.

One of the options is the "wrapped bar chart" introduced by Stephen Few. Like Xan, he also restricts the variation to legnths of bars while keeping the heights fixed. But he goes further, and abandons packing completely. Instead of packing, Few wraps the bars. Start with a large bar chart with many categories filling up a tall plotting area. He then divides the bars into different blocks and place them side by side. Here is an example showing 50 states, ranked by total electoral votes:


You can see the white space because there is no packing. This version makes it easier to see the relative importance of the different blocks of states but it is tough to tell how much the first block of 13 states accounts for. The wrapped barchart is organized similar to a small multiples, except that the scale in each panel is allowed to vary.

Another option is the "piled bars." This option, presented by Yalçın, Elmqvist, and Bederson, brings packing back. But unlike the packed bars or the treemap, the outside envelope no longer represents the total amount. In the "piled bars" design, the top X categories act as the canvas, and the smaller categories are packed inside these bars rather than around them. Take a look at this example, which plots GDP growth of different countries:


 The inset on the left column is instructive. The green (smallest) and red (medium) bars are packed inside the blue (largest) bars. In this example, it doesn't make sense to add up GDP growth rates, so it doesn't matter that the outer envelope does not equal the total. It would not work as well with the electoral vote data in the previous example.

I wonder whether a piled dot plot works better than a piled bar chart. This piled bar chart shares a problem with the stacked area chart, which is that other than the first piece, all the other pieces represent the differences between the respective data and the next lower category, rather than the value of the data point. Readers are led to compare the green, red and blue pieces but the corresponding values are not truly comparable, or of primary interest.

This problem goes away if the bars are represented by dots.


What strikes me as the most key paragraph in the Yalcin, et. al.'s article is the following:

To understand graphical perception performance, we studied three basic tasks:

1) How accurately can we estimate the difference between two data points?
2) How accurately can we estimate the rank of a data point among all the rest?
3) How accurately can we guess the distribution characteristic of the whole dataset?

As a chart designer, we have to prioritize these tasks. There is unlikely to be a single chart form that will prevail on all three tasks. So if the designer starts with the question that he or she wants to address, that leads to the key task that the visualization should enable, which leads to the chart form that facilitates that task the best.




What do we think of the "packed" bar chart?

Xan Gregg - my partner in the #onelesspie campaign to replace terrible Wikipedia pie charts one at a time - has come up with a new chart form that he calls "packed bars". It's a combination of bar charts and the treemap.

Here is an example of a packed barchart, in which the top 10 companies on the S&P500 index are displayed:


What he's doing is to add context to help interpret the data. So frequently these days, we encounter data analyses of the "Top X" or "Bottom Y" type. Such analyses are extremely limited in utility as it ignores the bulk of the data. The extreme values have little to nothing to say about the rest of the data. This problem is particularly acute in skewed data.

Compare the two versions:


The left chart is a Top 10 analysis. The reader knows nothing about the market cap of the other 490 companies. The right chart provides the context. We can see that the Top 10 companies have a combined market cap that is roughly a quarter of the total market cap in the S&P 500. We also learn about the size of the next 10 versus the Top 10, etc.

As with any chart form, a nice dataset can really surface its power. I really like what the packed barchart reveals about the election data by county:


(Thanks to Xan for providing me this image.)

Notice the preponderance of red on the right side and the gradual shift from blue/purple to pink/red moving left to right. This is very effective at showing one of the most important patterns in American politics - the small counties are mostly deep red while the Democratic base is to be found primarily in large metropolitan areas. I have previously featured a number of interesting election graphics here. Washington Post's nation of peaks is another way to surface this pattern.

Xan would love to get feedback about this chart type. He has put up a blog post here with more details. I also love this animation he created to show how the packing occurs.