What is this "stacked range chart"?

Long-time reader Aleksander B. sent me to this video (link), in which a Youtuber ranted that most spreadsheet programs do not make his favorite chart. This one:

Two questions immediately come to mind: a) what kind of chart is this? and b) is it useful?

Evidently, the point of the above chart is to tell readers there are (at least) three places called “London”, only one of which features red double-decker buses. He calls this a “stacked range chart”. This example has three stacked columns, one for each place called London.

What can we learn from this chart? The range of temperatures is narrowest in London, England while it is broadest in London, Ontario (Canada). The highest temperature is in London, Kentucky (USA) while the lowest is in London, Ontario.

But what kind of “range” are we talking about? Do the top and bottom of each stacked column indicate the maximum and minimum temperatures as we’ve interpreted them to be? In theory, yes, but in this example, not really.

Let’s take one step back, and think about the data. Elsewhere in the video, another version of this chart contains a legend giving us hints about the data. (It's the chart on the right of the screenshot.)

Each column contains four values: the average maximum and minimum temperatures in each place, the average maximum temperature in summer, and the average minimum temperature in winter. These metrics are mouthfuls of words, because the analyst has to describe what choices were made while aggregating the raw data.

The raw data comprise daily measurements of temperatures at each location. (To make things even more complex, there are likely multiple measurement stations in each town, and thus, the daily temperatures themselves may already be averages; or else, the analyst has picked a representative station for each town.) From this single sequence of daily data, we extract two subsequences: the maximum daily, and the minimum daily. This transformation acknowledges that temperatures fluctuate, sometimes massively, over the course of each day.

Each such subsequence is aggregated to four representative numbers. The first pair of max, min is just the averages of the respective subsequences. The remaining two numbers require even more explanation. The “summer average maximum temperature” should be the average of the max subsequence after filtering it down to the “summer” months. Thus, it’s a trimmed average of the max subsequence, or the average of the summer subsequence of the max subsequence. Since summer temperatures are the highest of the four seasons, this number suggests the maximum of the max subsequence, but it’s not the maximum daily maximum since it’s still an average. Similarly, the “winter average minimum temperature” is another trimmed average, computed over the winter months, which is related to but not exactly the minimum daily minimum.

Thus, the full range of each column is the difference between the trimmed summer average and the trimmed winter average. I assume weather scientists use this metric instead of the full range of max to min temperature because it’s less affected by outlier values.


Stepping out of the complexity, I’ll say this: what the “stacked range chart” depicts are selected values along the distribution of a single numeric data series. In this sense, this chart is a type of “boxplot”.

Here is a random one I grabbed from a search engine.

Analytica_tukeyboxplotA boxplot, per its inventor Tukey, shows a five-number summary of a distribution: the median, the 25th and 75th percentile, and two “whisker values”. Effectively, the boxplot shows five percentile values. The two whisker values are also percentiles, but not fixed percentiles like 25th, 50th, and 75th. The placement of the whiskers is determined automatically by a formula that determines the threshold for outliers, which in turn depends on the shape of the data distribution. Anything contained within the whiskers is regarded as a “normal” value of the distribution, not an outlier. Any value larger than the upper whisker value, or lower than the lower whisker value, is an outlier. (Outliers are shown individually as dots above or below the whiskers - I see this as an optional feature because it doesn't make sense to show them individually for large datasets with lots of outliers.)

The stacked range chart of temperatures picks off different waypoints along the distribution but in spirit, it is a boxplot.


This discussion leads me to the answer to our second question: is the "stacked range chart" useful?  The boxplot is indeed useful. It does a good job describing the basic shape of any distribution.

I make variations of the boxplot all the time, with different percentiles. One variation commonly seen out there replaces the whisker values with the maximum and minimum values. Thus all the data live within the whiskers. This wasn’t what Tukey originally intended but the max-min version can be appropriate in some situations.

Most statistical software makes the boxplot. Excel is the one big exception. It has always been a mystery to me why the Excel developers are so hostile to the boxplot.


P.S. Here is the official manual for making a box plot in Excel. I wonder if they are the leading promoter of the max-min boxplot that strays from Tukey's original. It is possible to make the original whiskers but I suppose they don't want to explain it, and it's much easier to have people compute the maximum and minimum values in the dataset.

The max-min boxplot is misleading if the dataset contains true outliers. If the maximum value is really far from the 75th percentile, then most of the data between the 75th and 100th percentile could be sitting just above the top of the box.


P.S. [1/9/2025] See the comments below. Steve made me realize that the color legend of the London chart actually has five labels, the last one is white which blends into the white background. Note that, in the next post in this series, I found that I could not replicate the guy's process to produce the stacked column chart in Excel so I went in a different direction.

The canonical U.S. political map

The previous posts feature the canonical political map of U.S. presidential elections, the vote margin shift map. The following realization of it, made by NBC News (link), drills down to the counties with the largest Asian-American populations:


How does this map form encode the data?


The key visual element is the arrow. The arrow has a color, a length and also an angle.

The color scheme is fixed to the canonical red-blue palette attached to America's two major political parties.

The angle of the arrow, as seen in the legend, carries no data at all. All arrows are slanted at the same angles. Not quite; the political party is partially encoded into the angle, as the red arrows slant one way while the blue arrows always slant the other way. The degree of slant is constant everywhere, though.

So only the lengths of the arrows contain the vote margin gain/loss data. The legend shows arrows of two different lengths but vote margins have not been reduced to two values. As evident on the map, the arrow lengths are continuous.

The designer has a choice when it comes to assigning colors to these arrows. The colors found on the map above depicts the direction of the vote margin shift so red arrows indicate counties in which the Republicans gained share. (The same color encoding is used by the New York Times.)

Note that a blue county could have shifted to the right, and therefore appear as a red arrow even though the county voted for Kamala Harris in 2024. Alternatively, the designer could have encoded the 2024 vote margin in the arrow color. While this adds more data to the map, it could wreak havoc with our perception as now all four combinations are possible: red, pointing left; red, pointing right; blue, pointing left; and blue, pointing right.


To sum this all up, the whole map is built from a single data series, the vote margin shift expressed as a positive or negative percentage, in which a positive number indicates Republicans increased the margin. The magnitude of this data is encoded in the arrow length, ignoring the sign. The sign (direction) of the data, a binary value, is encoded into the arrow color as well as the direction of the arrow.

In other words, it's a proportional symbol map in which each geographical region is represented by a symbol (typically a bubble), and a single numeric measure is encoded in the size of the symbol. In many situations, the symbol's color is used to display a classification of the geographical regions.

The symbol used for the "wind map" are these slanted arrows. The following map, pulled from CNN (link), makes it clear that the arrows play only the role of a metaphor, the left-right axis of political attitude.


This map is essentially the same as the "wind map" used by the New York Times and NBC News, the key difference being that instead of arrows, the symbol is a triangle. On proportional triangle maps, the data is usually encoded in the height of the triangles, so that the triangles can be interpreted as "hills". Thus, the arrow length in the wind map is the hill height in the triangle map. The only thing left behind is the left-right metaphor.

The CNN map added a detail. Some of the counties have a dark gray color. These are "flipped". A flip is defined as a change in "sign" of the vote margin from 2020 to 2024. A flipped county can exhibit either a blue or a red hill. The direction of the flip is actually constrained by the hill color. If it's a red hill, we know there is a shift towards Republicans, and in addition, the county flipped, it must be that Democrats won that county in 2020, and it flipped to Republicans. Similiar, if a blue hill sits on a dark gray county, then the county must have gone for Republicans in 2020 and flipped to Democrats in 2024.


Dot plots with varying dot sizes

In a prior post, I appreciated the effort by the Bloomberg Graphics team to describe the diverging fortunes of Japanese and Chinese car manufacturers in various Asian markets.

The most complex chart used in that feature is the following variant of a dot plot:


This chart plots the competitors in the Chinese domestic car market. Each bubble represents a car brand. Using the styling of the entire article, the red color is associated with Japanese brands while the medium gray color indicates Chinese brands. The light gray color shows brands from the rest of the world. (In my view, adding the pink for U.S. and blue for German brands - seen on the first chart in this series - isn't too much.)

The dot size represents the current relative market share of the brand. The main concern of the Bloomberg article is the change in market share in the period 2019-2024. This is placed on the horizontal axis, so the bubbles on the right side represent growing brands while the bubbles on the left, weakening brands.

All the Japanese brands are stagnating or declining, from the perspective of market share.

The biggest loser appears to be Volkswagen although it evidently started off at a high level since its bubble size after shrinkage is still among the largest.


This chart form is a composite. There are at least two ways to describe it. I prefer to see it as a dot plot with an added dimension of dot size. A dot plot typically plots a single dimension on a single axis, and here, a second dimension is encoded in the sizes of the dots.

An alternative interpretation is that it is a scatter plot with a third dimension in the dot size. Here, the vertical dimension is meaningless, as the dots are arbitrarily spread out to prevent overplotting. This arrangement is also called the bubble plot if we adopt a convention that a bubble is a dot of variable size. In a typical bubble plot, both vertical and horizontal axes carry meaning but here, the vertical axis is arbitrary.

The bubble plot draws attention to the variable in the bubble size, the scatter plot emphasizes two variables encoded in the grid while the dot plot highlights a single metric. Each shows secondary metrics.


Another revelation of the graph is the fragmentation of the market. There are many dots, especially medium gray dots. There are quite a few Chinese local manufacturers, most of which experienced moderate growth. Most of these brands are startups - this can be inferred because the size of the dot is about the same as the change in market share.

The only foreign manufacturer to make material gains in the Chinese market is Tesla.

The real story of the chart is BYD. I almost missed its dot on first impression, as it sits on the far right edge of the chart (in the original webpage, the right edge of the chart is aligned with the right edge of the text). BYD is the fastest growing brand in China, and its top brand. The pedestrian gray color chosen for Chinese brands probably didn't help. Besides, I had a little trouble figuring out if the BYD bubble is larger than the largest bubble in the size legend shown on the opposite end of BYD. (I measured, and indeed the BYD bubble is slightly larger.)

This dot chart (with variable dot sizes) is nice for highlighting individual brands. But it doesn't show aggregates. One of the callouts on the chart reads: "Chinese cars' share rose by 23%, with BYD at the forefront". These words are necessary because it's impossible to figure out that the total share gain by all Chinese brands is 23% from this chart form.

They present this information in the line chart that I included in the last post, repeated here:


The first chart shows that cumulatively, Chinese brands have increased their share of the Chinese market by 23 percent while Japanese brands have ceded about 9 percent of market share.

The individual-brand view offers other insights that can't be found in the aggregate line chart. We can see that in addition to BYD, there are a few local brands that have similar market shares as Tesla.


It's tough to find a single chart that brings out insights at several levels of analysis, which is why we like to talk about a "visual story" which typically comprises a sequence of charts.


Aligning the visual and the message to hot things up

The headline of this NBC News chart (link) tells readers that Phoenix (Arizona) has been very, very hot this year. It has over 120 days in which the average temperature exceeded 100F (38 C).


It's not obvious how extreme this situation is. To help readers, it would be useful to add some kind of reference points.

A couple of possibilities come to mind:

First, how many days are depicted in the chart? Since there is one cell for each day of the year, and the day of week is plotted down the vertical axis, we just need to count the number of columns. There are 38 columns, but the first column has one missing cell while the last column has only 3 cells. Thus, the number of days depicted is (36*7)+6+3 = 261. So, the average temperature in Phoenix exceeded 100F on about 46% of the days of the year thus far.

That sounds like a high number. For a better reference point, we'd also like to know the historical average. Is Phoenix just a very hot place? Is 2024 hotter than usual?


Let's walk through how one reads the Phoenix "heatmap".

We already figured out that each column represents a week of the year, and each row shows a cross-section of a given day of week throughout the year.

The first column starts on a Monday because the first day of 2024 falls on a Monday. The last column ends on a Tuesday, which corresponds to Sept 17, 2024, the last day of data when this chart was created.

The columns are grouped into months, although such division is complicated by the fact that the number of days in a month (except for a leap month) isn't ever divisible by seven. The designer subtly inserted a thicker border between months. This feature allows readers to comment on the average temperature in a given month. It also lets readers learn quickly that we are two weeks and three days into September.

The color legend explains that temperature readings range from yellow (lower) to red (higher). The range of average daily temperatures during 2024 was 54-118F (12-48C). The color scale is progressive.


Given that 100F is used as a threshold to define "hot days," it makes sense to accentuate this in the visual presentation. For example:


Here, all days with maximum temperature at 100F or above have a red hue.

Excess delay

The hot topic in New York at the moment is congestion pricing for vehicles entering Manhattan, which is set to debut during the month of June. I found this chart (link) that purports to prove the effectiveness of London's similar scheme introduced a while back.


This is a case of the visual fighting against the data. The visual feels very busy and yet the story lying beneath the data isn't that complex.

This chart was probably designed to accompany some text which isn't available free from that link so I haven't seen it. The reader's expectation is to compare the periods before and after the introduction of congestion charges. But even the task of figuring out the pre- and post-period is taking more time than necessary. In particular, "WEZ" is not defined. (I looked this up, it's "Western Extension Zone" so presumably they expanded the area in which charges were applied when the travel rates went back to pre-charging levels.)

The one element of the graphic that raises eyebrows is the legend which screams to be read.


Why are there four colors for two items? The legend is not self-sufficient. The reader has to look at the chart itself and realize that purple is the pre-charging period while green (and blue) is the post-charging period (ignoring the distinction between CCZ and WEZ).

While we are solving this puzzle, we also notice that the bottom two colors are used to represent an unchanging quantity - which is the definition of "no congestion". This no-congestion travel rate is a constant throughout the chart and yet a lot of ink of two colors have been spilled on it. The real story is in the excess delay, which the congestion charging scheme was supposed to reduce.

The excess on the chart isn't harmless. The excess delay on the roads has been transferred to the chart reader. It actually distracts from the story the analyst is wanting to tell. Presumably, the story is that the excess delays dropped quite a bit after congestion charging was introduced. About four years later, the travel rates had creeped back to pre-charging levels, whereupon the authorities responded by extending the charging zone to WEZ (which as of the time of the chart, wasn't apparently bringing the travel rate down.)

Instead of that story, the excess of the chart makes me wonder... the roads are still highly congested with travel rates far above the level required to achieve no congestion, even after the charging scheme was introduced.


I started removing some of the excess from the chart. Here's the first cut:


This is better but it is still very busy. One problem is the choice of columns, even though the data are found strictly on the top of each column. (Besides, when I chop off the unchanging sections of the columns, I created a start-not-from-zero problem.) Also, the labeling of the months leaves much to be desired, there are too many grid lines, etc.


Here is the version I landed on. Instead of columns, I use lines. When lines are used, there is no need for month labels since we can assume a reader knows the structure of months within a year.


A priniciple I hold dear is not to have legends unless it is absolutely required. In this case, there is no need to have a legend. I also brought back the notion of a uncongested travel speed, with a single line (and annotation).


The chart raises several questions about the underlying analysis. I'd interested in learning more about "moving car observer surveys". What are those? Are they reliable?

Further, for evidence of efficacy, I think the pre-charging period must be expanded to multiple years. Was 2002 a particularly bad year?

Thirdly, assuming WEZ indicates the expansion of the program to a new geographical area, I'm not sure whether the data prior to its introduction represents the travel rate that includes the WEZ (despite no charging) or excludes it. Arguments can be made for each case so the key from a dataviz perspective is to clarify what was actually done.


P.S. [6-6-24] On the day I posted this, NY State Governer decided to cancel the congestion pricing scheme that was set to start at the end of June.

Reading log: HBR's specialty bar charts

Today, I want to talk about a type of analysis that I used to ask students to do. I'm calling it a reading log analysis – it's a reading report that traces how one consumes a dataviz work from where your eyes first land to the moment of full comprehension (or abandonment, if that is the outcome). Usually, we do this orally during a live session, but it's difficult to arrive at a full report within the limited class time. A written report overcomes this problem. A stack of reading logs should be a gift to any chart designer.

My report below is very detailed, reflecting the amount of attention I pay to the craft. Most readers won't spend as much time consuming a graphic. The value of the report is not only in what it covers but also in what it does not mention.


The chart being analyzed showed up in a Harvard Business Review article (link), and it was submitted by longtime reader Howie H.


First and foremost, I recognized the chart form as a bar chart. It's an advanced bar chart in which each bar has stacked sections and a vertical line in the middle. Now, I wanted to figure out how data enter the picture.

My eyes went to the top legend which tells me the author was comparing the proportion of respondents who said "business should take responsibility" to the proportion who rated "business is doing well". The difference in proportions is called the "performance gap". I glanced quickly at the first row label to discover the underlying survey addresses social issues such as environmental concerns.

Next, I looked at the first bar, trying to figure out its data encoding scheme. The bold, blue vertical line in the middle of the bar caused me to think each bar is split into left and right sections. The right section is shaded and labeled with the performance gap numbers so I focused on the segment to the left of the blue line.

My head started to hurt a little. The green number (76%) is associated with the left edge of the left section of the bar. And if the blue line represents the other number (29%), then the width of the left section should map to the performance gap. This interpretation was obviously incorrect since the right section already showed the gap, and the width of the left section was not equal to that of the right shaded section.

I jumped to the next row. My head hurt a little bit more. The only difference between the two rows is the green number being 74%, 2 percent smaller. I couldn't explain how the left sections of both bars have the same width, which confirms that the left section doesn't display the performance gap (assuming that no graphical mistakes have been made). It also appeared that the left edge of the bar was unrelated to the green number. So I retreated to square one. Let's start over. How were the data encoded in this bar chart?

I scrolled down to the next figure, which applies the same chart form to other data.


I became even more confused. The first row showed labels (green number 60%, blue number 44%, performance gap -16%). This bar is much bigger than the one in the previous figure, even though 60% was less than 76%. Besides, the left section, which is bracketed by the green number on the left and the blue number on the right, appeared much wider than the 16% difference that would have been merited. I again lapsed into thinking that the left section represents performance gaps.

Then I noticed that the vertical blue lines were roughly in proportion. Soon, I realized that the total bar width (both sections) maps to the green number. Now back to the first figure. The proportion of respondents who believe business should take responsibility (green number) is encoded in the full bar. In other words, the left edges of all the bars represent 0%. Meanwhile the proportion saying business is doing well is encoded in the left section. Thus, the difference between the full width and the left-section width is both the right-section width and the performance gap.

Here is an edited version that clarifies the encoding scheme:



That's my reading log. Howie gave me his take:

I had to interrupt my reading of the article for quite a while to puzzle this one out. It's sorted by performance gap, and I'm sure there's a better way to display that. Maybe a dot plot, similar to here - https://junkcharts.typepad.com/junk_charts/2023/12/the-efficiency-of-visual-communications.html.

A dot plot might look something like this:

Howie also said:

I interpret the authros' gist to be something like "Companies underperform public expectations on a wide range of social challenges" so I think I'd want to focus on the uniform direction and breadth of the performance gap more than the specifics of each line item.

And I agree.

The curse of dimensions

Usually the curse of dimensions concerns data with many dimensions. But today I want to talk about a different kind of curse. This is the curse of dimensions in mapping.

We are only talking about a few dimensions, typically between 3 and 6, so small number of dimensions. And yet it's already a curse. Maps are typically drawn in two dimensions. Those two dimensions are usually spoken for: they show the x- and y-coordinate of space. If we want to include a third, fourth or fifth dimension of data on the map, we have to appeal to colors, shapes, and so on. Cartographers have long realized that adding dimensions involves tradeoffs.


Andrew featured some colored bubble maps in a recent post. Here is one example:


The above map shows the proportion of population in each U.S. county that is Hispanic. Each county is represented by a bubble pinned to the centroid of the county. The color of the bubble shows the data, divided into demi-deciles so they are using a equal-width binning method. The size of a bubble indicates the size of a county.

The map is sometimes called a "Dorling map" after its presumptive original designer.

I'm going to use this map to explore the curse of dimensions.


It's clear from the design that county-level details are regarded as extremely important. As there are about 3,000 counties in the U.S., I don't see how any visual design can satisfy this requirement without giving up clarity.

More details require more objects, which spread readers' attention. More details contain more stories, but that too dilutes their focus.

Another principle of this map is to not allow bubbles to overlap. Of course, having bubbles overlap or print on top of one another is a visual faux pas. But to prevent such behavior on this particular design means the precise locations are sacrificed. Consider the eastern seaboard where there are densely populated counties: they are not pinned to their centroids. Instead, the counties are pushed out of their normal positions, similar to making a cartogram.

I remarked at the start – erroneously but deliberately – that each bubble is centered at the centroid of each county. I wonder how many of you noticed the inaccuracy of that statement. If that rule were followed, then the bubbles in New England would have overlapped and overprinted. 

This tradeoff affects how we perceive regional patterns, as all the densely populated regions are bent out of shape.

Another aspect of the data that the designer treats as important is county population, or rather relative county population. Relative – because bubble size don't portray absolutes, plus the designer didn't bother to provide a legend to decipher bubble sizes.

The tradeoff is location. The varying bubble sizes, coupled with the previous stipulation of no overlapping, push bubbles from their proper centroids. This forced displacement disproportionately affects larger counties.


What if we are willing to sacrifice county-level details?

In this setting, we are not obliged to show every single county. One alternative is to perform spatial smoothing. Intuitively, think about the following steps: plot all these bubbles in their precise locations, turn the colors slightly transparent, let them overlap, blend away the edges, and then we have a nice picture of where the Hispanic people are located.

I have sacrificed the county-level details but the regional pattern becomes much clearer, and we don't need to deviate from the well-understood shape of the standard map.

This version reminds me of the language maps that Josh Katz made.


Here is an old post about these maps.

This map design only reduces but does not eliminate the geographical inaccuracy. It uses the same trick as the Dorling map: the "vertical" density of population has been turned into "horizontal" span. It's a bit better because the centroids are not displaced.


Which map is better depends on what tradeoffs one is making. In the above example, I'd have made different choices.


One final thing – it's minor but maybe not so minor. Most of the bubbles on the map especially in the middle are tiny; as most of them have Hispanic proportions that are on the left side of the scale, they should be showing light orange. However, all of them appear darker than they ought to be. That's because each bubble has a dark border. For small bubbles, the ratio of ink on the border is a high proportion of the ink for the entire object.

Messing with expectations

A co-worker sent me to the following map, found in Forbes:


It shows the amount of state tax surcharge per gallon of gas in the U.S. And it's got one of the most common issues found in choropleth maps - the color scheme runs opposite to reader expectations.

Typically, if we see a red-green color scale, we would expect red to represent large numbers and green, small numbers. This map reverses the typical setup: California, the state with the heftiest gas tax, is shown green.

I know, I know - if we apply the typical color scheme, California would bleed red, and it's a blue state, damn it.

The solution is to avoid the red color. Just don't use red or blue.


There is no need to use two colors either.


A few minor fixes. Given that all dollar amounts on the map are shown to two decimal places, the legend labels should also be shown to 2 decimal places, and with dollar signs.


The subtitle should read "Dollars per gallon" instead of "Cents per gallon". Alternatively, keep "Cents per gallon" but convert all data labels into cents.

Some of the states are missing data labels.


I recast this as a small-multiples by categorizing states into four subgroups.


With this change, one can almost justify using maps because there is sort of a spatial pattern.



An elaborate data vessel

Visualcapitalist_globaloilproductionI recently came across the following dataviz showing global oil production (link).

This is an ambitious graphic that addresses several questions of composition.

The raw data show the amount of production by country adding up to the global total. The countries are then grouped by region. Further, the graph presents an oil-and-gas specific grouping, as indicated by the legend shown just below the chart title. This grouping is indicated by the color of the circumference of the circle containing the flag of the country.

This chart form is popular in modern online graphics programs. It is like an elaborate data vessel. Because the countries are lined up around the barrel, a space has been created on three sides to admit labels and text annotations. This is a strength of this chart form.


The chart conveys little information about the underlying data. Each country is given a unique odd shaped polygon, making it impossible to compare sizes. It’s definitely possible to pick out U.S., Russia, Saudi Arabia as the top producers. But in presenting the ranks of the data, this chart form pales in comparison to a straightforward data table, or a bar chart. The less said about presenting values, the better.

Indeed, our self-sufficiency test exposes the inability of these polygons to convey the data. This is precisely why almost all values of the dataset are present on the chart.


The dataviz subtly presumes some knowledge on the part of the readers.

The regions are not directly labeled. The readers must know that Saudi Arabia is in the Middle East, U.S. is part of North America, etc. Admittedly this is not a big ask, but it is an ask.

It is also assumed that readers know their flags, especially those of smaller countries. Some of the small polygons have no space left for country names and they are labeled with just flags.


In addition, knowing country acronyms is required for smaller countries as well. For example, in Africa, we find AGO, COG and GAB.


For this chart form the designer treats each country according to the space it has on the chart (except those countries that found themselves on the edges of the barrel). Font sizes, icons, labels, acronyms, data labels, etc. vary.

The readers are assumed to know the significance of OPEC and OPEC+. This grouping is given second fiddle, and can be found via the color of the circumference of the flag icons.


I’d have not assigned a color to the non-OPEC countries, and just use the yellow and blue for OPEC and OPEC+. This is a little edit but makes the search for the edges more efficient.



Let’s now return to the perception of composition.

In exactly the same manner as individual countries, the larger regions are represented by polygons that have arbitrary shapes. One can strain to compile the rank order of regions but it’s impossible to compare the relative values of production across regions. Perhaps this explains the presence of another chart at the bottom that addresses this regional comparison.

The situation is worse for the OPEC/OPEC+ grouping. Now, the readers must find all flag icons with edges of a specific color, then mentally piece together these arbitrarily shaped polygons, then realizing that they won’t fit together nicely, and so must now mentally morph the shapes in an area-preserving manner, in order to complete this puzzle.

This is why I said earlier this is an elaborate data vessel. It’s nice to look at but it doesn’t convey information about composition as readers might expect it to.


What is the question is the question

I picked up a Fortune magazine while traveling, and saw this bag of bubbles chart.

Fortune_global500 copy

This chart is visually appealing, that must be said. Each circle represents the reported revenues of a corporation that belongs to the “Global 500 Companies” list. It is labeled by the location of the company’s headquarters. The largest bubble shows Beijing, the capital of China, indicating that companies based in Beijing count $6 trillion dollars of revenues amongst them. The color of the bubbles show large geographical units; the red bubbles are cities in Greater China.

I appreciate a couple of the design decisions. The chart title and legend are placed on the top, making it easy to find one’s bearing – effective while non-intrusive. The labeling signals a layering: the first and biggest group have icons; the second biggest group has both name and value inside the bubbles; the third group has values inside the bubbles but names outside; the smallest group contains no labels.

Note the judgement call the designer made. For cities that readers might not be familiar with, a country name (typically abbreviated) is added. This is a tough call since mileage varies.


As I discussed before (link), the bag of bubbles does not elevate comprehension. Just try answering any of the following questions, which any of us may have, using just the bag of bubbles:

  • What proportion of the total revenues are found in Beijing?
  • What proportion of the total revenues are found in Greater China?
  • What are the top 5 cities in Greater China?
  • What are the ranks of the six regions?

If we apply the self-sufficiency test and remove all the value labels, it’s even harder to figure out what’s what.



Moving to the D corner of the Trifecta Checkup, we aren’t sure how to interpret this dataset. It’s unclear if these companies derive most of their revenues locally, or internationally. A company headquartered in Washington D.C. may earn most of its revenues in other places. Even if Beijing-based companies serve mostly Chinese customers, only a minority of revenues would be directly drawn from Beijing. Some U.S. corporations may choose its headquarters based on tax considerations. It’s a bit misleading to assign all revenues to one city.

As we explore this further, it becomes clear that the designer must establish a target – a strong idea of what question s/he wants to address. The Fortune piece comes with a paragraph. It appears that an important story is the spatial dispersion of corporate revenues in different countries. They point out that U.S. corporate HQs are more distributed geographically than Chinese corporate HQs, which tend to be found in the key cities.

There is a disconnect between the Question and the Data used to create the visualization. There is also a disconnect between the Question and the Visual display.