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Tidying up the details

This column chart caught my attention because of the color labels.


Well, it also concerns me that the chart takes longer to take in than you'd think.


The color labels say "FY2123", "FY2022", and "FY1921". It's possible but unlikely that the author is making comparisons across centuries. The year 2123 hasn't yet passed, so such an interpretation would map the three categories to long-ago past, present and far-into-the-future.

Perhaps hyphens were inadvertently left off so "FY2123" means "FY2021 - FY2023". It's odd to report financial metrics in multi-year aggregations. I rule this out because the three categories would then also overlap.

Here's what I think the mistake is: somehow the prefix is rolled forward when it is applied to the years. "FY23", "FY22", "FY21" got turned into "FY[21]23", "FY[20]22", "FY[19]21" instead of putting 20 in all three slots.

The chart appeared in an annual financial report, and the comparisons were mostly about the reporting year versus the year before so I'm pretty confident the last two digits are accurately represented.

Please let me know if you have another key to this puzzle.

In the following, I'm going to assume that the three colors represent the most recent three fiscal years.


A few details conspire to blow up our perception time.

There was no extra spacing between groups of columns.

The columns are arranged in reverse time order, with the most recent year shown on the left. (This confuses those of us that use the left-to-right convention.)

The colors are not ordered. If asked to sort the three colors, you will probably suggest what is described as "intuitive" below:


The intuitive order aligns with the amount of black added to a base color (hue). But this isn't the order assigned to the three years on the original chart.


Some of the other details on the chart are well done. For example, I like the handling of the gridlines and the axes.

The following revision tidies up some of the details mentioned above, without changing the key features of the chart:



Using disaggregation in dataviz

This chart appears in a journal article on the use of AI (artificial intelligence) in healthcare (link).


It's a stacked bar chart in which each bar is subdivided into four segments. The authors are interested in the relative frequency of research using AI by disease type. The chart only shows the top 10 disease types.

What is unusual is that the subdivisions are years. So these authors revealed four years of journal articles, and while the overall ranking of the disease types is by the aggregated four-year total counts, each total count has been disaggregated by color so readers can also see the annual counts.


A slight rearrangement yields the following:


Most readers will only care about the left chart showing the total counts. More invested readers may consider the colored charts that show annual totals. These are arranged so that the annual counts are easily read and compared.


One annoying aspect of this type of presentation is that in almost all cases, the top 10 types in aggregate will not be the top 10 types by individual year. In some of those years, I expect that the 10 types shown do not include all of the top 10 types for a particular year.

The most dangerous day

Our World in Data published this interesting chart about infant mortality in the U.S.


The article that sent me to this chart called the first day of life the "most dangerous day". This dot plot seems to support the notion, as the "per-day" death rate is the highest on the day of birth, and then drops quite fast (note log scale) over the the first year of life.


Based on the same dataset, I created the following different view of the data, using the same dot plot form:


By this measure, a baby has 99.63% chance of surviving the first 30 days while the survival rate drops to 99.5% by day 180.

There is an important distinction between these two metrics.

The "per day" death rate is the chance of dying on a given day, conditional on having survived up to that day. The chance of dying on day 2 is lower partly because some of the more vulnerable ones have died on day 1 or day 0,  etc.

The survival rate metric is cumulative: it measures how many babies are still alive given they were born on day 0. The survival rate can never go up, so long as we can't bring back the dead.


If we are assessing a 5-day-old baby's chance of surviving day 6, the "per-day" death rate is relevant since that baby has not died in the first 5 days.

If the baby has just been born, and we want to know the chance it might die in the first five days (or survive beyond day 5), then the cumulative survival rate curve is the answer. If we use the per-day death rate, we can't add the first five "per-day" death rates It's a more complicated calculation of dying on day 0, then having not died on day 0, dying on day 1, then having not died on day 0 or day 1, dying on day 2, etc.


Making colors and groups come alive

_numbersense_coverIn the May 2024 issue of Significance, there is an enlightening article (link, paywall) about a new measure of inflation being adopted by the U.K. government known as HCI (Household Costs Indices). This is expected to replace CPI which is the de facto standard measure used around the world. In Chapter 7 of Numbersense (link), I discuss the construction of the CPI, which critics have alleged is manipulated by public officials to be over-optimistic.

The HCI looks promising as it addresses several weaknesses in the CPI measure. First, it implements accounting for household spending on housing - this has always been a tricky subject, regarding those who own homes rather than rent. Second, it recognizes that the average inflation number, which represents the average price changes on the average basket of goods purchased by the average person, does not reflect the experience of many. The HCI measures are broken down into demographic subgroups, so it's possible to compare the HCI of retirees vs non-retirees, for example.

Then comes this multi-colored bar chart:

Sig_hci sm


The chart is servicable: the reader can find the story. For almost all the subgroups listed, the HCI measure comes in higher than the CPI measure (black). For the income deciles, the reader sense that the relationship is not linear, that is to say, inflation does not increase (or decrease) as income. It appears that inflation is highest at both ends of the spectrum, and lowest for those who are in deciles 6 to 8. The only subgroup for whom CPI overestimates inflation is "private renter," which totally makes sense since the CPI index previously did not account for "owner-occupier housing" cost.

This is a chart with 19 bars, and 19 colors. The colors do not encode any data at all, which is a bit wasteful. We can make the colors come alive by encoding subgroup identity. This is what the grouped bar chart looks like:


While this is still messy, this version makes it a bit easier to compare across subgroups. The chart simultaneously plots four different grouping methods: by retired/not, by income deciles, by housing situation and by having children/not. Within each grouping, the segments are mutually exclusive but between the grouping, the segments are overlapping. For example, the same person can be counted in Retired, and having Children, and also some retirees have children while other don't.


To better display the interactions between groups and subgroups, I prefer using a dot plot.


This is not a simple dot plot either. It's a grouped dot plot with four levels that correspond to each grouping method. One can see the distribution of HCI values across the subgroups within each grouping, and also compare the range of values from one group to another group.

One side benefit of using the dot plot is to get rid of the non-informative space between values 0 and 20. When using a bar chart, we have to start the bars at zero to avoid distorting the encoding. Not so for a dot plot.

P.S. In the next iteration, I'd consider flipping the axes as that might simplify labeling the subgroups.