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Stranger things found on scatter plots

Washington Post published a nice scatter plot which deconstructs scores from the recent World Championships in Gymnastics. (link)


The chart presents the main message clearly - the winner Simone Biles scored the highest on both components of the score (difficulty and execution), by quite some margin.

What else can we learn from this chart?


Every athlete who qualified for the final scored at or above average on both components.

Scoring below average on either component is a death knell: no athlete scored enough on the other component to compensate. (The top left and bottom right quadrants would have had some yellow dots otherwise.)

Several athletes in the top right quadrant presumably scored enough to qualify but didn't. The footnote likely explains it: each country can send at most two athletes to the final. It may be useful to mark out these "unlucky" athletes using a third color.

Curiously, it's not easy to figure out who these unlucky athletes were from this chart alone. We need two pieces of data: the minimum qualifying score, and the total score for each athlete. The scatter plot isn't the best chart form to show totals, but qualification to the final is based on the sum of the difficulty and execution scores. (Note also, neither axis starts at zero, compounding the challenge.)


This scatter plot is most memorable for shattering one of my expectations about risk and reward in sports.

I expect risk-seeking athletes to suffer from higher variance in performance. The tennis player who goes for big serves tend to also commit more double faults. The sluggers who hit home runs tend to strike out more often. Similarly, I expect gymnasts who attempt more difficult skills to receive lower execution scores.

Indeed, the headline writer seemed to agree, suggesting that Biles is special because she's both high in difficulty and strong in execution.

The scatter plot, however, sends the opposite message - this should not surprise. The entire field shows a curiously strong positive correlation between difficulty and execution scores. The more difficult is the routine, the higher the excution score!

It's hard to explain such a pattern. My guesses are:

a) judges reward difficult routines, and subconsciously confound execution and difficulty scores. They use separate judges for excecution and difficulty. Paradoxically, this arrangement may have caused separation anxiety - the judges for execution might just feel the urge to reward high difficulty.

b) those athletes who are skilled enough to attempt more difficult routines are also those who are more consistent in execution. This is a type of self-selection bias frequently found in observational data.

Regardless of the reasons for the strong correlation, the chart shows that these two components of the total score are not independent, i.e. the metrics have significant overlap in what they measure. Thus, one cannot really talk about a difficult routine without also noting that it's a well-executed routine, and vice versa. In an ideal scoring design, we'd like to have independent components.

The choice to encode data using colors

NBC News published the following heatmap that shows inflation by product category in the last year or so:


The general story might be that inflation was rampant in airfare and electricity prices about a year ago but these prices have moderated recently, especially in airfare. Gas prices appear to have inflated far less than overall inflation during these months.


Now, if you're someone who cares about the magnitude of differences, not just the direction, then revisit the above statements, and you'll feel a sense of inadequacy.

When we choose to encode data in colors, we're giving up on showing magnitudes or precision. The color scale shown up top sends the message that the continuous nature of the number line is being displayed but it really isn't.

The largest value of the chart is found on the left side of the airfare row:


The value is about 36% which strangely enough is far larger than the maximum value shown in the legend above. Even if those values align, it is still impossible to guess what values the different colors and shades in the cells map to from the legend.


The following small-multiples chart shows the underlying values more precisely:


I have transformed the data differently. In these line charts, the data are indexed to the first month (100) so each chart shows the cumulative change in prices from that month to the current month, for each category, compared to the overall.

The two most interesting categories are airfare and gas. Airfare has recently decreased quite drastically relative to September 2022, and thus the line is far below the overall inflation trend. Gas prices moved in reverse: they dropped in the last quarter of 2022 but have steadily risen over 2023, and in the most recent month, is tracking overall inflation.



Several tips for visualizing matrices

Continuing my review of charts that were spammed to my inbox, today I look at the following visualization of a matrix of numbers:


The matrix shows pairwise correlations between the returns of 16 investment asset classes. Correlation is a number between -1 and 1. It is a symmetric scale around 0. It embeds two dimensions: the magnitude of the correlation, and its direction (positive or negative).

The correlation matrix is a special type of matrix: a bit easier to deal with as the data already come “standardized”. As with the other charts in this series, there is a good number of errors in the chart's execution.

I’ll leave the details maybe for a future post. Just check two key properties of a correlation matrix: the diagonal consisting of self-correlations should contain all 1s; and the matrix should be symmetric across that diagonal.


For this post, I want to cover nuances of visualizing matrices. The chart designer knows exactly what the message of the chart is - that the asset class called "art" is attractive because it has little correlation with other popular asset classes. Regardless of the chart's errors, it’s hard for the reader to find the message in the matrix shown above.

That's because the specific data carrying the message sit in the bottom row (and the rightmost column). The cells in this row (and column) has a light purple color, which has been co-opted by the even lighter gray color used for the diagonal cells. These diagonal cells pop out of the chart despite being the least informative (they have the same values for all correlation matrices!)


Several tactics can be deployed to push the message to the fore.

First, let's bring the key data to the prime location on the chart - this is the top row and left column (for cultures which read top to bottom, left to right).


For all the drafts in this post, I have dropped the text descriptions of the asset classes, and replaced them with numbers so that it's easier to follow the changes. (For those who're paying attention, I also edited the data to make the matrix symmetric.)

Second, let's look at the color choice. Here, the designer made a wise choice of restricting the number of color levels to three (dark, medium and light). I retained that decision in the above revision - actually, I used four colors but there are no values in one of the four sections, therefore, effectively, only three colors appear. But let's look at what happens when the number of color levels is increased.


The more levels of color, the more strain it puts on our processing... with little reward.

Third, and most importantly, the order of the categories affects perception majorly. I have no idea what the designer used as the sorting criterion. In step one of the fix, I moved the art category to the front but left all the other categories in the original order.

The next chart has the asset classes organized from lowest to highest average correlation. Conveniently, using this sorting metric leaves the art category in its prime spot.


Notice that the appearance has completely changed. The new version brings out clusters in the data much more effectively. Most of the assets in the bottom of the chart have high correlation with each other.

Finally, because the correlation matrix is symmetric across the diagonal of self-correlations, the two halves are mirror images and thus redundant. The following removes one of the mirrored halves, and also removes the diagonal, leading to a much cleaner look.


Next time you visualize a matrix, think about how you sort the rows/columns, how you choose the color scale, and whether to plot the mirrored image and the diagonal.