Storm story, a masterpiece
Excel is the graveyard of charts, no!

Dataviz Seminar and other upcoming events

Please help me spread the word on several upcoming events. If you're coming, please say hi!


Data Visualization Seminar - JMP Explorers Series

WHEN: October 4, 2017 , Wed, 9 am - 2:30 pm (ET)
WHERE: New School, 63 5th Avenue, New York

In this seminar, I offer tips on making effective visualizations of data, summarizing over a dozen years of critiquing thousands of data graphics.

PS. New Yorkers: I typically start the seminar with an example of dataviz with a local flavor. If you've seen something interesting recently, send it my way!


Principal Analytics Prep Information Session & Webinar on Digital Ad Fraud Analytics

WHEN: October 11, 2017 , Wed, 7 - 8 pm (ET)
WHERE: Online

In this webinar, I will discuss the data analytics revolution, and answer questions on how to start or develop your career in this exciting field. In addition, I invited Dr. Augustine Fou, a leading ad fraud researcher, to comment on the recent scandals of fake data in digital advertising. Augustine and I raised the alarm on this huge problem in a Harvard Business Review article in 2015!

Earlier this year, I launched Principal Analytics Prep, an intensive, 12-week bootcamp, created and staffed by leading industry experts, designed to open doors to new careers in data analytics and data science. In the past 15 years, I established and led data teams at SiriusXM Radio and Vimeo, in addition to teaching and running academic programs at Columbia and NYU.

How to Break into the Hottest Sector of the Job Market: Data Science & Analytics

WHEN: October 12, 2017 , Thur, 6:30 - 8 pm 6 - 7:30 pm (ET)
WHERE: New York Public Library, Small Business & Industry Library (SIBL), 188 Madison Avenue, New York

In this talk, I discuss what data science & analytics is, why this the sector is exploding, what trends are driving such growth, and how you can take advantage of this jobs boom. 

If you can't make it in person, a short version of this talk will be presented at the Principal Analytics Prep online information session mentioned above. You can register here.


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Please note: the first version got the starting time of the NYPL talk wrong. It starts at 6 pm ET.


it is nice


will you offer this class again: Data Visualization Seminar

if so, when?


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