Superimposing time series is the biggest source of silly theories
Maxima and minima

Chance to ask me a question this Friday

I will be at Book Expo this Friday signing books at the McGraw-Hill booth. If you're in NYC, drop by and say hi between 11 and 12.

Yes, it's a new book!  The title is Numbersense: How to Use Big Data to Your Advantage (link). If you read my blogs, you already know where I'm going with this. How can we be smart consumers of data analyses in a world overflowing with data? It will be in stores in July. Between now and then, you can come back here to learn more.

Also, at 12:30, I'll be interviewed at the Shindig event by Peggy Sanservieri, who blogs at Huffington Post on book marketing. This is an online live chat event. Go to their site to register, and you'd have the opportunity to ask me questions.

(This is cross-posted on both blogs.)


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